Thursday, 2 January 2020

When Will it Snow? 🌨

When Will it Snow?

By Sara Fox

My hands are cold
And so are my toes
It’s winter  time
So when will it snow?

My ears are cold
And so is my nose
It’s winter  time
So when will it snow?

The trees are bare
The north wind doth blow
It’s winter time 
So when will it snow?

I’m wrapped up warm
The fire is aglow 
It’s winter time
I wish it would snow.

© Sara Fox

As the New Year Begins 🎉

As the New Year Begins

By Sara Fox

As 2019 ends
And 2020 begins,
It’s time to reflect positively 
On all the new year brings...

What are your hopes?
What are your dreams?
What are the goals you hope to achieve?

Something creative?
Something kind?
Something you’d love to do?

In yourself, you must believe,
Then your goals you can achieve 
And your hopes and dreams may come true.

As 2019 ends
And 2020 begins,
It’s time to reflect positively 
On all the new year brings...

Write down your hopes
Write down your dreams
Write down the goals you hope to achieve.

© Sara Fox